The Bridge offers community and a place to belong for young adults 18 – 25. Whether in college, in the work force, or just finding your way, you’re welcome here.
Worship nights center on live worship and biblical teaching designed to deepen your faith. Located in the Student Worship Room at FBTC.
Life Group
9:00AM | Sunday
Life Groups are small, long-term groups, where members grow in their faith together through discussion and Bible study. Located at FBTC, upstairs in the Student Department.
Small Group
6:30PM | Wednesday
Small group night is a time to relax and dig into God’s Word in a deeper way with others. Located in the Bridge Classroom in the Student Department.
Camps & Missions
Throughout the Year
The Bridge often travels to the Passion Conference in January and occasionally schedules other mission trips.
2024 Adoration Worship Nights
6:30PM | Student Worship Room
January 28 "Gospel Appointments"
February 25 "Union with Christ"
March 31Easter - No Meeting
April 28"The Word"
May 26 "Prayer"
June 30 "Fellowship"
July 28"Obedience"
August 25"Evangelism"
September 29"Foundations of Love"
October 27"Going Beyond Boudaries"
November 10"Reaching Out"
December 15Christmas Worship + Dinner
Get Connected
Join our text group to get updates about our gathering times and upcoming events. We promise we won’t spam you! To join, just text BRIDGE to 855-447-4235.
Many members of the Bridge serve heavily in other areas of the church including the Student Ministry, Choir & Orchestra, Tech Team, or Preschool. We encourage you to plug-in to our worship times, but also to the serve opportunities that fit you.