About Us
At FBTC we make disciples by loving God, loving people, and connecting the two. Read below to learn about our mission, our beliefs, and our membership process.
Our Mission
We make disciples by loving God, loving people, and connecting the two. This is achieved by connecting and growing in four environments.
Worship Gatherings
Sundays at 8:00AM, 10:30AM, and 6:00PM
Worship gatherings are a time of praise through music, prayer, giving, and study of God’s Word. These gatherings unite our entire church in multi-generational worship to praise God.
Life Groups
Sundays at 9:00AM
Life Groups are small, long-term groups where members grow in their faith together through discussion and Bible study. We have Life Groups for every stage of life, so you’ll be able to find one that fits you.
Discipleship Circles
Sundays at 5:00PM
Discipleship Circles are a time to deepen faith, often through topical studies. These circles are short-term groups focused on developing disciples. Most discipleship circles last between 6-12 weeks and vary in topic each quarter. For preschoolers and kids, our iWorship ministry teaches them how to praise God through music, instruments, and dance. For students 7th-12th grade, our Surrender ministry shares the gospel through music and skits.
Ministry Teams
Various times through the week
Ministry Teams minister to the community and support the operations of the church. Members on these teams use their abilities to contribute to the overall mission of our church.
Our Beliefs
The Bible
The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself in writing to humanity. It was written by men but inspired by God and is truth without any mixture of error. The Bible points to Jesus Christ, the focus of God’s revelation of Himself to us and the one through which we have salvation.
The God revealed in the Bible is the only living and true God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Ruler of the world. Though God is one being, He has revealed himself in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We owe God our highest love, worship, and obedience.
God created humanity as a special creation made in His own image. Humanity sinned against God and sin spread to all those who were created by God both by nature and by choice. This has left humanity dead in sin and incapable of establishing their own relationship with God. All stand in need of God’s grace.
Salvation is offered to those who will believe and trust in the work of Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life yet died the death of a sinner on the cross as our substitute. When a person trusts in the finished work of Christ, God forgives his sin and makes him a new creation. The work of salvation happens in this life but will be completed when Jesus returns.
The Church
The Church is made up of all those who believe in Jesus. Though the universal church is one body, believers assemble in local churches for the purpose of worship, Christian education, and accountability.
Christ's Return
Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth. Those who have believed in Christ will spend eternity with the Lord, but those who die in their own unrighteous state will be consigned to a place of eternal destruction.
Salvation is a personal, saving encounter with the Jesus. We publicly demonstrate this faith by coming before the church and proclaiming our faith in Jesus. If you would like to be saved, our pastors and prayer counselors are available at the time of invitation during every service to help guide you through the process. If you were saved earlier in life and would like to become a member of FBTC, start the process by speaking to one of our pastors or prayer counselors during the invitation.
Discover FBTC Class
Salvation is not just a personal decision. Once you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, you are adopted into the family of God. Discover FBTC is a introductory class for new believers and new members to learn more about your faith, our church family, and the basic beliefs of Christianity. This is a one session class offered every third Sunday of the month at 9:00AM.
Baptism is a symbol of salvation and a declaration that you’ve been made new in God. If you have been saved, we encourage you to talk to our pastors about this process. If you were saved earlier in life but never baptized, now is the perfect time to follow Jesus’ command and be baptized.