Wednesday Night Activities Canceled | September 11
Backdrop was taught by Pastor Derek Allen on Wednesday nights at FBTC in 2022 and 2023.
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Backdrop is a study series dedicated to exploring the people, places, and features of the Bible. This study is topical and is divided into 26 sessions, covering themes such as the Tabernacle, Mount Sinai, the Garden of Eden, and much more.
As we explore the people, places, and features that create the backdrop for the greatest story ever told, we must beware of unbiblical allegories and let Scripture be our guide.
Session 1
In the Old Covenant, Mount Sinai represented God’s presence with His people and His covenant faithfulness. In the New Covenant, Mount Sinai represents legalism and slavery to the Law.
Session 13
God used the Greek empire to set the cultural stage of the rapid expansion of the gospel.